Our Performance, Your Entertainment

Claxon Brawl Stars Ruleset


By participating in the tournament, the player (you) agree to adhere and abide by the Code of Conduct, the rules and regulations of the tournament as written on this page, as well as any appropriate policies enforced by the game or any third-party app used. Some situations may occur beyond that which is written on this page. This page will thus be used as a guideline for the Claxon Management team to make a fair and appropriate decision. All rules are as defined by the respective Claxon Management team. This page and its rules may be amended without prior notice. Participants should always check this page for any updates to the rules and regulations of the tournament.

  • Maximum of 4 players allowed in each team. This is inclusive of 3 main players and ONE substitute.
  • Team Captains can choose to NOT have a substitute. However, once the deadline for registrations is up, he or she would not have the ability to add a substitute or change the lineup unless the opponent team allows it.
  • Team Captains MUST be a part of the team as communications are done mainly through the Team Captains who should be the most informed of the timings and the rules.
  • When submitting the lineup, the names and the Game ID of the respective players must match. If found that they do not match, punishments can be handed out which can result in disqualification and/or permanent exclusion from any other Claxon Brawl Stars Tournaments.

Maximum Teams Per Entity
  • Claxon Tournaments will ONLY allow the participation of 3 exclusive teams under their name. If an organisation or entity decides to have more than 3 teams participate, the extra team that registers the latest will be disqualified.

Base Requirements
  • Players must at least have 5000 trophies in their account. (Exceptions can be made but requests must go to either the Regional Manager or the Game Director. Any unauthorized requests will result in the player or the team being disqualified)
  • The concept of smurfing and the usage of these ‘smurf’ accounts are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Anyone who is found using these smurfs accounts will be disqualified and if enough circumstantial evidence is found that the team colluded with the disqualified participant, the team will be disqualified as well and barred from future tournaments that will be hosted by Claxon.

Playing and Staffing
  • Players can become Staffs/Streams to help out with the tournament. Claxon highly encourages players to help back the community and learn new skills such as managing and moderating as well.
  • However, the staff WILL NOT be able to make decision regarding their own team or anyone on their SIDE of the brackets
  • If the staff is found to have links to other teams that are not his, he or she cannot decide the match for them.
  • If found out, the staff can be permanently excluded from the staff team and have their team disqualified due to dishonesty.

  • Teams that enter the quarter-finals and above MUST have a team logo for marketing purposes. Failure to do so will result in your team’s logo being filled in as blank for marketing purposes with only the name being seen by other participants and community members.

  • Everyone MUST have a bountie.io account, this is for the staff team to make brackets and to ensure smooth management and registration for the tournaments.
  • Team Captains must have a team name and submit their lineups to the tournament page with the respective bountie.io accounts of their fellow peers.
  • If the Team Captain decides to not have a substitute, he or she can be allowed to put a NIL in the list for the last in-game name.

  • All Team Captains must ensure that all their teammates are in the server and will have to tag them while registering them for their lineup.
  • Team Captains must also turn their DMs on to ensure more efficient communications between the staff and the team itself.
  • If a dispute has been raised and is being solved, the player being accused of an offense can only defend himself. Team Captains cannot answer for the player and can only give suggestions to the staff team on why the accused is innocent of what others suspect him of.

Permitted Mobile Devices
  • Emulators are strictly prohibited and other handheld devices such as but not exclusive to (PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch) are prohibited as well.
  • Devices are required to either support the iOS or Android operating systems.
  • Only mobile devices such as tablets and phones are allowed. The usage of external displays larger than 12.9 inches (Size of the iPad Pro 2020) at the time of writing are NOT allowed.

Permitted Equipments
  • Audio devices such as but not exclusive to (earphones, headphones, bluetooth speakers) may be used for the participants comfort and gaming experience.
  • Usage of external triggers such as gaming triggers that are placed on the buttons of the control interface are NOT ALLOWED. If found out, the participant will be immediately disqualified.

  • Players must be updated to the latest version of the game for security measures and for the ability to play with other participants smoothly.
  • Participants may only use the official game for the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
  • Modified or Augmented versions such as the use of external APKs (Android) and IPAs (iOS), Debian Files (.deb) and Root files are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Third-Party Software
  • Use of third-party softwares such as Game Boosters or Network Boosters and softwares that are not specified by the Game Directors are STRICTLY PROHIBITED .
  • Use of approved Virtual Private networks (VPNs) is allowed. List of approved VPNs will be disseminated by the Game Directors before the tournament starts. Requests for VPNs that are not approved that are imperative to playing the game can be requested but may or may not be confirmed at the director’s or regional manager’s behest.
  • Usage of telecommunications applications such as but not exclusive to (Discord, Whatsapp, TeamSpeak) are permitted and encouraged.

Reporting Time
  • Participants must report to either Team Captain 30mins before the match.
  • If a participant has not reported yet, report it to the directors and wait for their response.
  • If a response still has not been received 15 mins after the supposed game time, disqualification will take place to the team that has not checked in.

Roster Changes
  • Rosters may be changed 24 hours before the tournament starts. Submit the lineup info in the respective discord channels and wait for the director to update the lineups. After the deadline, the channel will be LOCKED and no other lineups will be accepted.
  • Emergency situations can be declared 1 hour before the match starts. However, it is at the director's discretion on whether he accepts the reason. Reasons that can be accepted but are not limited to are (i.e. Funerals, national exams, internet service disruptions)
  • Roster changes must follow the requirements as stated above.
  • Team Captains CANNOT be changed throughout the tournament unless under external circumstances which could not be foreseen.

Match Details
  • Team Captains must declare the respective match details 24 hours before the matches are supposed to be played.
  • Any disputes are to be declared to the directors and an arrangement would be made depending on the situation.

Match Hosting
  • Respective Team Captains will host the room. The dissemination of room information and the adding of one another should be done BEFORE the match itself to ensure the smoothness of the tournament.
  • Any issue in joining the room must be declared.
  • If one team has a lack of members after 15 minutes, they will have to play with 2 people only. If only one shows up, it will result in disqualification.
  • Team Captains can raise a dispute if the player’s ID or IGNs do not match.

  • Participants are NOT allowed to leave mid-game unless of an emergency.
  • All participants must stay and take a screenshot of the end results of the game. If the match is a BO3/BO5, participants must stay inside the room as the map is being switched.

  • Matches can be live-streamed from either the streamers perspective or the players perspective for marketing purposes.
  • Participants are strictly prohibited from Stream Sniping. Most streams will have a slight delay so please refrain from trying.
  • Stream sniping is inclusive of but not limited to
    • Asking someone else to watch the stream and relay any time of information
    • Listening to the audio cues to gain intel
    • Any other form of intel gathering

  • Matches can be rehosted for the following reasons
    • Technical issues faced by 3 or more participants, or half of the participants who are partaking in the match.
    • Incorrect room settings (penalties will be meted out to leader of the match)
  • Matches CANNOT be rehosted after 50% of the game has passed. In this case, once the timer hits 1:15 for the respective game modes. Overtime is NOT considered in this calculation.
  • Sufficient evidence has to be given to the directors in order for a rehost to take place.

Formal Warnings
  • Tournament officials may warn players for breaking the rules during the match. This can be offences such as breaking our Code of Conduct in chat or the absence of the player in the final scoreboard.
  • Tournament officials have the discretion of advising teams only and not giving a warning as they deem fit.
  • Warnings tier list will be at the end of this ruleset.

  • Results will be declared on the same day of the match and announced at the same time.
  • Results of the match will be derived from in game screenshots provided by the participants.
  • It is COMPULSORY for the Team Captains of each team to screenshot every game from their perspective.
  • Results can be disputed through the appropriate channels if necessary.
  • Uncivil disputes such as the extended usage of foul language and the general attitude of the argument will NOT be considered.

Technical Issues
  • Technical issues reported after the match has ended might not affect the results of the match.
  • Any technical issues faced during the match such as one player disconnecting must be immediately reported in the respective channels.

  • Only the respective Team Captains may raise a dispute if needed.
  • Disputes regarding the tournament should NOT be settled outside the tournament.
  • Disputes must be backed with proper evidence and explanation using the PEEL format
    Example of how to craft your dispute using PEEL format:
    • Point - Topic Sentence of what you want out of this dispute
    • Evidence - Screenshots and any evidence that is deemed as necessary
    • Elaboration - Explain on why these evidence proves your point
    • Conclusion - Write a conclusion of the dispute and the expected outcome.

Validity of the Match
  • The Match will be replayed if there are no results to prove it i.e screenshots.
  • Conditions that affect the validity of the match are inclusive but not limited to (technical disruptions during the game, match interruptions, misconduct of players)

  • Sportsmanship is to be expected for ALL participants throughout the entire duration of the tournament as gaming is a sport.
  • Those who are defeated and those who came out victorious must practice sportsmanship. Wishing the winner good luck after losing is highly encouraged and will be taken note of.
  • Failure to uphold the values of sportsmanship is against our Code of Conduct and disciplinary actions will be meted out if necessary.

  • Participants are expected to practice the value of integrity throughout the WHOLE tournament. Lying for the sake of covering something up and if found out by the staff will be taken offence to.
  • Community members or fellow participants who have witnessed misdeeds and efforts to sabotage the game such as bribery should report it to the respective directors IMMEDIATELY using the PEEL format.

  • Participants, tournament officials and other staff members are expected to act professionally throughout the entire tournament.
  • Maintaining professionalism means not acting childishly and respecting the authority of the tournament officials and taking disputes to the appropriate channels that have been set up.
  • Maintaining professionalism also means keeping a professional relationship between members of different roles that are involved in the tournament.

  • Any form of colluding or conspiring with other teams or tournament officials will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification and the permanent suspension of anyone related to the offence of collusion.
  • Such examples include:
    • Any agreement between TWO or more players or other participants in the match to not play at a proper standard of competition in a tournament match in order to provide any team or any player with certain benefits or advantages.
    • Any agreement among a participant and tournament official to work in tandem to provide an opportunity or an advantage to any team.

  • Any form of the provision of currencies, such as but not limited to (in-game currencies, gift cards, online payment methods, cash or favours) to tournament officials or fellow players is strictly PROHIBITED and will result in the immediate disqualification of anyone who has knowledge of or intention of carrying out this offence.

  • Any form of cheating is prohibited.
  • Such examples include:
    • Modification of the Critical Ops game client
    • Use of illegal gaming equipment such as Trigger Controllers
    • Usage of Third-Party Softwares to create an unfair advantage for the participant or team

  • Pretending to be another Participant or Tournament Official is strictly prohibited
  • Such examples include:
  • Playing under another participant’s account or Gamertag. Playing under an account that is not owned by the participant.
  • Giving commands as if the participant is a tournament official

Offensive Language
  • Any language that is offensive, insulting, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory, threatening, foul or vulgar is strictly prohibited
  • This rule is applied to all languages used during communication
  • Adhere to our Code of Conduct to always be on the safe side.

  • Tournament Officials may, to their absolute discretion, provide formal warnings for breaking or intending to break any rule or regulation
  • Up to 3 warnings will be meted out

  • Tournament Officials may, to their absolute discretion, report a player for any offence, to be added to a watchlist for all Claxon Tournaments

Blacklist/Disqualification/Permanent Exclusion
  • Tournament Officials may, to their absolute discretion, debar a player from Claxon Tournaments on a quarterly basis
  • Blacklisted Players may receive leniency for community service

Revocation of Prizes
  • Tournament Directors may, to their absolute discretion, revoke a team prizes for breaking any rule or regulation

  • Tournament Officials suspected of ghosting will sit for a viva in all their matches
  • Tournament Official will livestream their screen onto Discord, and have a lovely conversation with the Tournament Director while the match is being played.


A match is defined as the interaction of players who are playing competitively and can be played as a Best of 1, Best of 3 or a Best of 5.

Best of 1
Best of 1 means players will play only one match, on the pre-selected Mode and Map:
  • Map 1: Whoever wins, proceeds, whoever loses, loses.

Best of 3
This means that players will play up to 3 games, the team will be declared a winner as soon as they win 2 matches:
  • Map 1: Whoever wins will have 1 point added to their tally. Whoever loses, still says as they have a chance to comeback.
  • Map 2: If the team who won the first game wins, they win the entire round and proceed. If the team who wins this map did not win the first map, a 3rd map will be played.
  • Map 3: If this map takes place, whoever wins this map will win the entire round.

Best of 5
Means players will play up to 5 Sets, team is declared a winner as soon as they win 3 Sets:
  • Map 1: Whoever wins will have 1 point added to their tally. Whoever loses, still says as they have a chance to comeback.
  • Map 2: If the team who won the first game wins, they will have two points in their tally. If the team who wins this map did not win the first map they will have one point added.
  • Map 3: If the team who won both previous games wins this map, they win the entire match and proceed. If the score is 1:1 or 2:0 and the team who has not won both previous games wins, they will either have a score of 1 or 2.
  • Map 4: If the team who won 2 previous maps wins this map, they win the round and proceed. If a team is at a score of 2:1 and the team with 1 point wins this match, the score will be 2:2 and a fifth map will be played
  • Map 5: Whoever wins this match, wins the entire round and proceeds. This map should only be played if the score is 2:2.

Map Pool
Round Map 1: Mode Map 1: Maps Map 2: Mode Map 2: Maps Map 3: Mode Map 3: Maps Map 4: Mode Map 4: Maps Map 5: Mode Map 5: Maps
RO64 and above Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal X X X X X X X X
RO32 Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal Gem Grab Hard Rock Mine, Crystal Arcade, Deathcap Trap, Ice Fort Heist Kaboom Canyon, Safe Zone, Hot Potato, Turnaround X X X X
RO16 Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal Siege Bot Drop, Some Assembly Required, Nuts & Bolts, Robo Highway Hot Zone Massive Attack, Parallel Plays, Split, Ring of Fire X X X X
RO8 Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal Gem Grab Hard Rock Mine, Crystal Arcade, Deathcap Trap, Ice Fort Heist Kaboom Canyon, Safe Zone, Hot Potato, Turnaround X X X X
Semis Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal Gem Grab Hard Rock Mine, Crystal Arcade, Deathcap Trap, Ice Fort Heist Kaboom Canyon, Safe Zone, Hot Potato, Turnaround Siege Bot Drop, Some Assembly Required, Nuts & Bolts, Robo Highway Hot Zone Massive Attack, Parallel Plays, Split, Ring of Fire
Finals Brawl Ball Backyard Bowl, Triple Dribble, Super Stadium, Field Goal Gem Grab Hard Rock Mine, Crystal Arcade, Deathcap Trap, Ice Fort Heist Kaboom Canyon, Safe Zone, Hot Potato, Turnaround Siege Bot Drop, Some Assembly Required, Nuts & Bolts, Robo Highway Hot Zone Massive Attack, Parallel Plays, Split, Ring of Fire

Prize Money
1st SGD 75
2nd SGD 50
3rd SGD 25
Total SGD 150

Admin Intervention
  • Any role that is above the game directors has the discretion to veto the results of the game if he sees it as fit.
  • Results of a game can also be settled with a voting system where the CEOs with the Regional Manager and the Game Directors can vote on a result if absolutely necessary.

Offenses Table
Staff found out that lineups don't match (more than 2 digit difference) 1 Warning
More than 3 teams from the same organisation participates The last team that signs up will get IMMEDIATELY disqualified. All the other teams will be issued 1 Warning
Smurfing 1 Warning and/or the removal of that player from the lineup and/or being placed on the watchlist
Dishonesty (Players who are staffs) Exclusion from the staff team, team can be disqualified if the biased outcome affects the match
Unauthorized Mobile Devices Forced removal from the team’s lineup and/or disqualification of the entire team
Unauthorized equipments Forced removal from the team’s lineup and/or disqualification of the entire team
External/Augmented Versions of the Game Forced removal from the team’s lineup and/or disqualification of the entire team
Usage of unauthorized third-party software (VPNs) 1 Warning
Late check-in time (15mins and below) 1 Warning
Inability to decide match details because the opponent forgot/late 1 Warning
Only one person on the team shows up Disqualification
Wrong ID/IGNs when in the room 1 Warning and/or forced removal from the team’s lineup and/or disqualification of the entire team, depending on how serious it is
Participants leaving before the final scoreboard 1 Warning
Stream Sniping (any form) Disqualification from the tournament and/or barred from playing Claxon Tournaments indefinitely
Illegal rehost 1 Warning
Both captains did not screenshot match, leading to results that cannot be verified 1 Warning to BOTH teams
Uncivil disputes 1 Warning
Integrity/Honesty 1 Warning
Usage of foul language for extended periods of time 1 Warning
Collusion Instant disqualification and permanent exclusion from any other Claxon Tournaments indefinitely
Bribery Instant disqualification and permanent exclusion from any other Claxon Tournaments indefinitely
Cheating Instant disqualification and permanent exclusion from any other Claxon Tournaments indefinitely

Warnings List
  • If a player is found to have 3 warnings, he or she will be disqualified
  • If reprimandable actions have been found to take place after the tournaments and that the prizes have still not been given out, prizes may be revoked at the directors discretion
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